Portrait photography is my way of seeing the unique and marvellous in people. Creating portraits that the viewer lingers over, seeing and recognising the story that can be told. Our photographs and recorded conversations are our history and gift to our descendants. Our lives, interests and personalities are gems that enrich the lives of family we will never meet. They are our cave drawings. Photographs and audio files of conversations encourage the connection of generations and can bring a sense of belonging through interests and shared experiences. My personal project to photograph the women in my community has inspired me to offer recorded oral history conversations. I was inspired to add the recorded interviews to my photography when I rediscovered my audio files of conversations with my grandmother. Her voice sharing her opinions and memories is now priceless. It would have been great to have photographed her in her home as she had a unique style and various collections related to her interests. What seemed ordinary at the time has now disappeared. Photography has been part of my life for decades as a hobby. In 2018, I travelled through Japan with an organised photography tour group. This was a turning point. The daily full immersion in photography inspired and excited me. I came home determined to improve my skills. Studying photography through S.I.T has challenged me to learn editing skills that inspire me with possibilities. I enjoy photography of all kinds but it is people that I love most. I love meeting them, hearing their stories and working together to create a portrait that means something to them. I have lived rurally almost all my life, and by chance, always next to a river: Mataura, Oreti, Arrow and the Clutha. These rivers connect me to my love of the environment and to my ancestors who have walked alongside the same rivers. - Sandra Prebble |